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I’ve noticed something about this world we call home; it’s pretty wild out there. I don’t mean wild in the sense that like, there’s trees everywhere and monkeys and stuff. Although monkeys are cool. No I mean wild like there’s so much stuff going on a lot of us forget what’s really important. We get stuck focussing on things that when all’s said and done don’t really matter and don’t fulfill us in the way we need to be. And before you get all defensive I’m not here to force advice on you or tell you the way you’re living is wrong; that’s not cool. I’m just here to remind you about the things that really are important and if you choose to listen then that’s awesome! And if you don’t and would rather I blew it out my ass, that’s also awesome. I’m going to be talking about something that we all really need; happiness.


Now, I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking, “Rev? You’re really going to try and generalise what makes everyone happy in just a few short words? Seriously?” And to that I say “Hell no!” There’s no possible way for me to say what makes everyone happy even in the most general of ways. Happiness is massively subjective and that’s the first thing we’re going to need to accept before we’ll ever be happy. Each of us is different in a plethora of ways, way too many to count. Sure there are some things that make a bunch of people happy like TV shows or chocolate or something but what makes each of us happy deep down will be hugely different. Basically what makes one person happy might not make another person happy. And what makes that other person happy might not make a different person happy.


Think of it like ice cream. You see someone eating an ice cream and they look they’re really into it; smiling, licking the drips up the cone, time of their life, yeah? Then you go up and tell the server you want what that other person has thinking you’ll like it as much as they do; I mean look at them! They’re ecstatic! Then the server gives you the same ice cream and you think yes; this is it. This is the ice cream. Then you excitedly lift the cone up and take the biggest lick you can and what happens? The ice cream turns to ash in your mouth. It turns out it’s mint and dog food flavour or something. And you wonder why that other person was so happy. Simple answer is because they really like mint and dog food flavour ice cream.


You still with me?


What I’m saying is just because something makes one person happy doesn’t mean it’s going to make you happy too. We all see people in our lives and on the internet with stuff that makes them happy and I guarantee at some point all of us, myself included, has said “I wish I had that”. But do we really? Don’t waste your time yearning after what others have because you don’t know if it’ll fulfill you in the way it fulfills them. It might not fulfill them at all and they’re just pretending to be. Best thing to do is to find what makes you happy and not worry about what makes everyone else happy.


So how do we find what makes us happy? Big question with no one answer. Best thing you can do is to try as much as you can. That can be something small like trying a different flavour of crisps or something big like booking flights to a far off country. Your job might make you happy. Spending time with your family might. Join a gym, craft a beer, watch TV, do forward rolls down a big hill, eat a raw carrot. But you shouldn’t stop trying or looking until you’ve found whatever it is. And there’s probably more than one thing too. There could be a whole host of different things that make you happy in different ways. But even if there is just one thing don’t let that bum you out. As long as you’re happy it is it doesn’t matter if it’s one thing or 20; what matters is that you’re happy in yourself. Keep pushing yourself to try things you’ve never tried before because you just never know. And through trying those things you may even indirectly find something that makes you happy. You could meet someone and fall in love; you may meet someone who shares your love of handmade doilies; your happiness could even come from making someone else happy; the possibilities literally are endless. Only you can know if you’re happy and only you can keep pushing to find something that does. Don’t settle for anything. If whatever you’re doing doesn’t make you happy then move on and find something else. You owe it to yourself.


Now you’ve found something that makes you happy; what do you do? I’d say that you should try to do it as much as possible (as long as it’s safe to do so. Obviously if you’re happiest drinking White Russians or something some common sense moderation should kick in). If it’s something that isn’t your job or takes time to prepare than make sure you set some time aside every day/week/month/year/whatever so you can do it. Planning ahead also means you’ll have something to look forward to which will have a positive effect on you generally. Tell people you’re happy, show them, get them involved if they want to be but remember what we’ve discussed; not everything is for everyone. Don’t presume that others will be as happy doing what you’re doing as you are and don’t criticise them if they choose not to join in. Standing naked in a bucket of cold custard listening to jazz might be your thing but it might not be everyone’s jam, yeah?


All in all just make sure you’re getting the most out of whatever you’re doing and you’re happy doing it. And if one day you find yourself not happy when you’re doing it, that’s ok; you find something else. Life’s an endless and non-exhaustive list of possibilities for happiness so get out there and discover! Personally, I’m at my most Zen in a comfortable chair with a Happy Hippo and a Lord of the Rings marathon.


That’s all for today, brothers and sisters. Like I said before, you can choose to listen which I very much appreciate or you can tell me to take a jump off something which is cool also. I would ask you to do one thing though; love the people you know, be kind to those you don’t and always try to make the world a better place, however you can.




Old Rev

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